Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Is Now a Good Time to Buy Gold

If you have listened to the radio or the news lately, you may be asking yourself if gold is a good buy for you. There are plenty of reason why now is a good time to buy gold. The final decision is yours though learning the keys to gold prices is the best way to make an informed decision.

Important to understand the difference between gold stocks called gold ETF's and physical gold. Admissions from companies that trade on the Comex that many of the transactions for gold ETF's are not backed by adequate amounts of physical gold are causes for concern. It is important for financial security for buying gold to be physical gold that you hold in your possession.

There are increasing skepticism over the United States actuall gold reserves. The reported position for the United States is 8,133 tons which is estimated to be worth just over $300 billion. There is no outside audit for the total the US holds which makes the amounts that individuals own more important.

Gold is in the midst of a steady bull market. It has increased in value each year for the last 9 years. If the present value of gold holds true for 2010 it will be 10 years in a row. This has all happen as many in the mainstream media has had negative comments towards gold.

An amazing aspect of gold's value is the fact that most of the mined gold in the world is accounted for. Gold has a great weight to value ratio making it easy to store in private possessions. The ability of gold to hold up against normal abuse makes its a great way to preserve wealth for the long term.

with an unclear economic future ahead for the next few years in America, the fundamentals for gold have many factors that have the ability to produce positive results. For better understanding if now is the best time for you to own gold contact a reputable gold brokerage firm for more information.


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