Tuesday, August 31, 2010

David Faber Comments on State of US Monetary Policy

Many experts have far from positive views of the economy for the current future we face as Americans. Popular tv economist on CNBC Marc Faber adds "the governments are taking over." He goes on to say that the current federal policies as it relates to money and the economy are not sustainable.

The great fear by many experts is that the Federal Government will continue to just keep printing money. A flood of more money entering the monetary system could cause "whole system breaks down" Faber adds. His comments on the current economic policies were last Thursday's program on CNBC.

"What I object to the current government intervention in so-called 'solving the crisis', (is that) they haven't solved anything. They've just postponed it."

Faber continues that the "ultimate armageddon" would be greater in scope the next it happens, as "governments will go bust", which would lead the Feds to just more money printing.

He continues to comment that China's growth rate is "completely unsustainable in the long run," talking about China which is the current fastest growing economy in the world.


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